what would be the most appropriate name for my music magazine

Monday 28 February 2011

contents page changes done anything else?

Okay, so I have changed the size of the images and changed one of the images because I realised that one person was one of the other images as well. I have also created a border around the edge of the page to make it pop out, the colour I have used is the same colour as the text on the front cover.
any other suggestions will be appreciated :)

dps improvements please :)

okay soo improvements are needed any ideas please?

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Contents suggestions for improvements :)

Can you please suggest any improvements for my contents I feel its missing something
Comments will help me alot :)

Friday 11 February 2011

Right..Colour scheme change

Soo you are probably thinking why has she changed the colour for her magazine, Well it kind of looked better in that colour than in purple

front cover I think this will be the final product

Please tell me what you think :D

Monday 7 February 2011

Front cover nearly there...

Tell me what you think of this and have you got any suggestions for some room for improvement?

Main article :) :)

Alexandra Jade
A star in the making!
Only standing in a 5ft tall
This could be the start of something amazing, however that sounds too cliché for our liking as Alexandra has a taken hold of the music industry by storm. She’s only been in the music world for a year and her music has been recognised for her take on Indie pop.

Who’s your star crush?

Taylor Lautner

Why do you say that?

Because I love how he acts, he puts everything into the role. That and he is sporty, active, funny and sounds like a great guy!

What do you think about the torso?

*thinks about it for a few seconds* Umm…Well you can definitely tell it’s nice *with a cheeky smile on her face*

Who are your main artist influences in this moment in time?

Umm… Ellie Goulding, Kelly Clarkson a little of Cee lo green and Paramore. But I’m always listening to others like Muse and Florence and the machine as well.

What is your debut album called?

Where the wind blows

Why did you call your album ‘Where the wind blows’?

Because I’m heavily influenced by Queen and I love their songs. Also the phrase is also used in one of my songs.

Did you have any influences for your album?

Again Queen and Ellie Goulding are my main influences.

What is your favourite track on the album and why?

Hard one, it would have to be… flightless.

What is your favourite track in music at the moment?

Your biggest mistake by Ellie Goulding

What is the best film you have ever seen and why?

Umm… I don’t really know. There are lots of films that I like but I don’t think I have a favourite. Maybe, Valentine’s Day, Avatar, Harry Potter- all of them, Pirates of the Caribbean and The Covenant

Who is the best actor in the world, past or present?

Norman Wisdom, his sketches and films always make me laugh. Despite everything anyone ever told him, he went for his dream and didn’t let other people’s opinion stand in his way.

Have you got a favourite comedian?

Lee Evans because I think, he has really smart jokes.

Who would be your ideal man?

Someone funny, they have to have a sense of humour. Someone who isn’t afraid to be themselves, to be weird in their own way. Tall, dark and handsome, who likes to hug and isn’t afraid to show his sensitive side, but at the same time he would be my rock. Basically Taylor Lautner!

If you were to get stuck on a desert island, what 3 things, human and objects, would you take with you?

Hmm, one of my favourite books, a cornucopia (so I don’t ever get hungry or thirsty) and someone I don’t know so that I could always have something to ask them.

Did you know how or why you got noticed?

Umm, well I know how I got noticed. I was singing at the club I used to work at when a talent scout found me and I think he must have liked what he heard.

Who do you think would enjoy your album (fan base wise)?

… I don’t know really. I’ve never really thought about it. I could say people in their teens, maybe to late twenty? My music is for more of a laid back listener.

And finally, where do you see yourself in 5 years time?

Well, hopefully I will still be making music. In an ideal world, I would have found a boyfriend. Hopefully and I would be helping the less fortunate with the profit I am getting from selling my music.

Friday 4 February 2011

Double page spread layout options

Okay, soo here are the last of the layout draft for my double page spread, contents and front cover
The last layout was suppose to have text between the image boxes (top and bottom), I'm sorry about that I forgot to put it in
Please vote on which one you like/love/ hate