what would be the most appropriate name for my music magazine

Friday 19 November 2010

Initial comparision of magazines

Comparing Student Magazines

There are many different student magazine which are aimed for different types of student e.g. sport, music etc

Student ID features general teenager subjects:
  • Horoscopes
  • Hot topics
  • Rate and slate
  • Revision tips
  • Reviews
  • Photographs
  • Next issue contents
As well as HC:
  • fun stuff (film, music etc)
  • good stuff (gap year)
  • student stuff (uni)
  • life stuff (career)
  • win! win! win! (competition)
  • University/ college
Smart Talent have a more wider range:
  • Politics
  • Police
  • Education
  • Volunteering
  • Myspace
  • News
  • Don't hang out on street corners
In conclusion, my intial comparsion of student magazines, we can tell that film and music is a popular subject when it comes to getting teenagers attention. Another subject which is popular is about education and future careers, guiding teenager to their desired careers by giving suitable advice.

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