what would be the most appropriate name for my music magazine

Wednesday 26 January 2011

Treatment sheet

Magazine name: Little Boom

Target Readership: Little Boom is an new alternative rock magazine who will be aimed at the 16-19 years old age range, the name of the magazine maybe deceiving "Little Boom" but this magazine has a lot to offer. The target audience will probably have incoming finances from part time jobs and Ema spending they're money on clothes, food and magazines. Little Boom aims to bring bright, exciting and entertaining bands and articles to the reader.

Form and style: Little Boom is a full sized A4 magazine , which will include gig reviews of signed and unsigned bands, posters, mix Cd's as free bees and as competition prizes, Competitions as well as fresh new bands and well known bands will be included on the front cover. Models which will be used on the front cover will be that of the bands and artists, signed and unsigned. The colour for the magazine will be purple, white and black as is it not known that any other magazine has this colour scheme.

Themes and Typical features: Little boom will include the following features in its magazine such as gig reviews, articles about new bands, latest news about well known bands/ artists, latest tracks reviews, up and coming events, quizzes, gig dates, interviews and many more!! The main feature in the magazine will be interviews from artists/ bands.

Potential advertisers: The brands which will be included in the magazine will vans, Ben and Jerry's ice cream, ripcurl, billabong, quiksilver, roxy, Drop dead gorgeous, Famous stars and straps, Atticus, Clandestine and maybe bands gig dates. The advertisers which will include clothing ranges from rockstars e.g. Famous stars and straps was created by Travis Barker. Also a listing of up and coming events for festivals, band gigs and CD releases.

Editorial team: For the editorial team a group of up and coming journalists and photographers will be selected to join as they have new ideas and this group of people will be around 24 years old as they can still relate to the readersby being informal in the text. The readers will also get involved by sending in questions for bands and suggestions for the magazine.

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